Jiminy Cricket Goes off on a Crusade against the Jews -- Jimmy Carter Encourages Hatred of and Attacks on Israel
אמר רב הונא א"ר רב יהושוע בן לוי
כל שהוא רחמן על אכזרים לסוף נעשה אכזר על רחמנים
Those who are merciful to the cruel end up by being cruel to the merciful
[ילקוט שמעוני שמואל א רמז קכא ד"ה Yalqut Shim`oni]
It seems that some ghosts from the past can't seem to do the decent thing and leave us alone after all the damage they did previously. Jimmy Carter is like a ghostly leech. He almost always seems to turn up when he can do ill. He may have been an albatross in a previous incarnation. He continues to spew his soft and mushy, sweet-smelling yet toxic potion for solving all international problems. These solutions usually boil down to doing what the epigraph above talks about. Be merciful to the cruel and everything will be OK. Or sometimes he may falsify a situation, such as his latest stage appearance in which he claims that Israel is an apartheid state. Coming from someone from the Old South whose family was active in the KuKluxKlan and supported the American version of apartheid, the jimcrow system, you might think he speaks as an authority. On the other hand, the Klan hated Jews as well as Blacks, as attested by the lynching of Leo Frank in Carter's home state of Georgia. Maybe Carter would like to shift any sense of guilt he has over black slavery and jimcrow on to those whom it is still --or is again-- acceptable to hate, the Jews, the Ultimate Other of Western culture, although I hesitate to imply that Carter is a man of culture in any way. Further, by smearing Israel as he does, maybe Carter is following in the Nazis' footsteps by attributing guilt to Jews for horrendous crimes, without having significant proof or justification, except for a mood of Jew-hatred that has been assiduously cultivated since the 1967 Six Day War, especially among that manipulated body of public opinion called the Left.
To be sure, Carter himself wants to enforce a certain apartheid or separation or ethnic cleansing or ghettoization on Jews by preventing them from living across the 1949 Israel-Transjordan armistice line [the Green Line] in areas that were in the heart of ancient Israel, in the heart of the Jewish homeland. These areas --called "West Bank" by Carter's ilk-- were recognized in international law at the San Remo Conference in 1920 as part of the Jewish National Home, later endorsed by the League of Nations [1922] which entrusted Britain with a mandate for administering the Jewish National Home in "palestine" [the Western name for the country, not traditionally used by either Jews or Arabs]. Carter's powerful urge to exclude Jews from living over the Green Line is a sort of racist exclusion. Of course, he conceals the real nature of his drive under a thin semantic coating which depicts his racism as anti-racism.
Incidentally, when Carter was running to be nominated as Democratic presidential candidate in 1976, his campaign staff declared him to be in favor of "ethnic purity." This happened in Pennsylvania where --in Philadelphia-- there was a controversy about letting Black people move into a new housing project in a white neighborhood [the Whitman Park affair]. Now, winning the Pennsylvania Democratic primary was considered vital for whoever wanted the Democratic nomination. Especially for those who wanted to stop Henry "Scoop" Jackson [who was pro-Israel by the way]. Carter or his campaign handlers apparently decided that there were more white folks among Pennsylvania registered Democratic voters who opposed letting Blacks into Whitman Park than there were Whites or Blacks who wanted to allow Blacks to live there. So the day before the election --or maybe election day itself-- a small item appeared on the front page of the Philadelphia Inquirer (owned at the time by the Knight-Ridder chain). The item said that Carter had announced that he favored "ethnic purity." This was interpreted to mean that Carter opposed letting Blacks move into the Whitman Park project. So Carter won the primary and then won the Democratic nomination, and then --to the whole world's great sorrow-- Carter was elected president, bringing along his national insecurity advisor, Zbigniew Brzezinski.
Under Zbig's guidance, Carter pressured Israel --before, during, and after Camp David-- to give in to Egyptian demands regarding territory in the Sinai. Zbig also saw to it that Khomeini was allowed to become ruler of Iran in 1979. This was justified on the grounds that the Shah abused civil rights. No doubt he did, but only a fool or ignoramus would have thought that Khomeini could be better, given the bigotry of his views, plainly stated in several books that he had published. Khomeini had openly declared his intention to impose Shari`ah law on Iran. Now, only an ignoramus does not know that Shari`ah law places all non-Muslims in a state of social inferiority, subject to both regular humiliation and economic exploitation in the form of the jizyah and kharaj, and other taxes and exactions that Muslim states force the non-Muslim [dhimmi] to pay. Yet, unofficial mouthpieces for the US government, Ramsey Clark, chairman of the National Advisory Board of the American Civil Liberties Union [ACLU], and The Nation magazine, both urged American support for and recognition of the new Iranian regime. The Nation wrote in a front page editorial that a man drawing up a new constitution for Khomeini's Iran had "impeccable civil libertarian credentials." Clark went so far as to express anger at American Jews for not supporting recognition of the Khomeini regime. By the way, the fellow drawing up the new civil libertarian constitution was later eliminated in a purge. But Ramsey Clark, like Carter, is still around today, still supporting and arguing the cause of Muslim tyrants in the name of civil liberties, and related blah blah.
Now, Khomeini and his followers instituted a strict Islamic regime in Iran, heedless of what Westerners might consider human rights. That is one of Jiminy Cricket's achievements. He also handled Khomeini's assault on US personnel stationed in Iran [the Iran hostage crisis] in such a way that the American people felt humiliated. We could also thank Carter for the Hizbullah, which Khomeini could not have set up if he --Khomeini-- had not been allowed to take power in Iran previously. Despite everything that Carter and Zbig and Ramsey Clark and other US officials did to help the Khomeini regime take power in Iran, Khomeini's successors, now led by Ahmadinejad, are not grateful. They blame America for almost everything wrong in the world.
On a lighter note, Carter was notorious in times long past for confessing in Playboy magazine [or some such glossy rag] that, despite being married, "I have lusted after women." He probably wasn't the first man to lust after women, if we may call Carter a man. Anyhow, Clinton was more discreet. Another of Carter's gems was uttered after he beat a rabbit to death with a rowboat oar or canoe paddle. It was "a killer rabbit," Carter claimed in self-justification.
After leaving office, Carter set up the Carter Center in Atlanta as a base for political intervention worldwide. He was out of the White House, but the world wasn't going to get rid of him so easily. The Carter Center sent agents and money to various places throughout the world, to advance the Carter political program, the Carter Vision if you like. To cover expenses for all of his ungood works, Carter accepted contributions from, inter alia, the Bank for Credit and Commerce International, a Muslim-run outfit that later went bankrupt due to unsound banking practices. Meanwhile, some jokesters called it the Bank of Crooks and Conmen International. LeMonde reported in the fall of 1992 that the Carter Center got 10 million dollars from BCCI. The main owners of BCCI were the Shaykh of Abu Dhabi and the government of Abu Dhabi [just about the same thing]. Among the beneficiaries of the Carter Center was an outfit operating in Israel called B'tselem, meaning in the image, referring to the Biblical phrase: Man was created in the image of God. Sounds beautiful, doesn't it?
B'tselem operated in favor of civil rights in Judea-Samaria-Gaza, but only for the civil rights of Arabs in those places. Maybe only Arabs, not Jews, were created in God's image. B'tselem specialized in defending Arabs who had attacked Jews. They once publicly claimed to defend the human/civil rights of Jews too in the Judea-Samaria-Gaza areas. However, there were cases where the human rights of Jews living in Judea-Samaria and Gaza were apparently violated by Israeli police, yet B'tselem did not in fact defend the human rights of these persons. So much for the universality of human rights. This brings us back to Carter's belief in "ethnic purity," at least for the purpose of the Pennsylvania Democratic primary in 1976. It seems that he indeed does believe in ethnic purity for the Judea-Samaria and Gaza areas, what he might call "West Bank" and Gaza. He wants Jews excluded from those areas. The German Nazis, by the way, called that policy Judenrein. The South African Afrikaaners called a similar policy apartheid. With such company, one might think that Carter is racist towards Jews. Like his forefathers in the KuKluxKlan.
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Coming: the follies of peace, Jews in Jerusalem and Hebron in the 19th century, Britain support for the Arabs in 1948, etc.
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