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Emet m'Tsiyon

Thursday, March 08, 2007

More on Britain and the Holocaust

Some of our previous posts have taken up the problem of Britain and the Holocaust, especially the harmful role of the BBC, an arm of the British foreign office then as now. Here is another little detail about Britain and the Holocaust, which fits into what we have reported about British hostility to Zionism and to Israel becoming a state.

To this very day, however, many aspects of British policy towards the Nazi persecution and extermination of the Jews remain shrouded in mystery. For instance, according to a German source, in 1937 Hitler proposed to the British that all the Jews of Germany be sent to Palestine; the British rejected this idea. On this particular point, see Heeresadjutant bei Hitler 1938-1943: Aufzeichnungen des Major Engel, herausgegeben und kommentiert von Hildegard von Kotze, Stuttgart, 1974, pp 65, 95.
[in Some Aspects of the Historical Significance of the Holocaust, Jerusalem Quarterly Reprint, the Middle East Institute, Jerusalem [not Washington DC], 1977; {reprinted from The Jerusalem Quarterly, no. 1 (Fall 1976)}, p 15 fn 26].

The quoted article, originally a lecture or address, was written by Prof Saul Friedlander of the Hebrew University. He is a well-known historian of the Holocaust, considered to be "leftist."
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Coming: more on James Baker, more on Jews in Jerusalem, recent archeology, peace follies, the policy of USA and UK towards rebirth of Israel, etc.


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