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Emet m'Tsiyon

Tuesday, October 05, 2010

Bad News from Lebanon -- Thanx to You, Ehud Barak & Barack Obama

UPDATING 10-6-2010

The peace in the "peace process"
means peace of mind for antisemites

More bad news from Lebanon. Thanx mucho to Ehud Barak, who gave up Israel's security zone in Lebanon in 2000, betraying Israel's Lebanese friends, leaving the ground free for the taking to the Hizbullah, and encouraging yasser arafat to start another terrorism war against us, called the Oslo War or the Second Intifada. Also thanx mucho to Barack Hussein Obama whose shameful pro-Assad diplomacy regarding Syria, amounted to toadying to mass murderers, Judeophobes, thugs, and big liars. The Hizbullah basically completed its takeover of Lebanon early last summer when the elected majority, belonging to the anti-Syrian hegemony March 14 movement, did not get backing from Washington for resisting the Hizbullah's takeover drive.

Now, Carlo Panella reports that the violent verbal attack by Lebanon's president, Michel Suleiman on the pro-Hizbullah UNIFIL [UN interim force in Lebanon] as being pro-Israel & on the international tribunal investigating the Hariri murder indicate that Hizbullah now "exercises full political hegemony over Lebanon's armed forces and institutions," that Lebanon is now aligned with the extremist positions of Teheran & Damascus, and that war with Israel may be imminent. He adds that these developments "confirm the total failure of the opening to Syria by the USA, France & the EU. . . " [qui -- in Il Foglio, 9-30-2010]. Panella concludes that the way is now open for more attacks and provocations against Israel from Lebanese territory. [qui]
Another victory for 21st century cruelty and barbarism thanx to The One, the Apostle of Hope & Change.

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Jennifer Rubin thinks that Obama's Syria policy is "in shambles" [here]. Isn't she being too polite to Obama?? Maybe he has obtained the results that he and his advisors wanted. She points out that Syria has facilitated Hizbullah's rearmament -- which has gone beyond what the Hizb had before the 2006 war-- and that Syria and Iran are "chummier than ever." Maybe Obama has done the job that he was assigned to accomplish. Don't forget that Zbig B is Obama's mentor.
J E Dyer on Ahmadinejad's upcoming visit to Lebanon as an announcement of war against Israel [here].

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