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Emet m'Tsiyon

Monday, April 15, 2019

Blue-White against Itself in 2014

As most people likely know, former commander-in-chief, Gabi Ashkenazi, is part of the four-headed leadership of  the Blue-White Party, the second largest in Israel's parliament, the Knesset, and Ehud Barak, is a former commander-in-chief and defense minister. Barak worked to encourage formation of the Blue-White Party while not being formally part of it. So now they are in the same camp, on the same team. Yet, just several years ago, Barak complained to the Police that Ashkenazi threatened him. "You are going to war against me." These are two of the men behind Benny Gantz and his Blue-White Party that is basically a fake party.
See article below in Hebrew and translation to English.
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The Ashkenazi Affair: The Ex-Defense Minister Told that He Had Sought to Appoint a Replacement for the Ex-C-in-C -- And Then the Battle between Them Became Overt

The ex-defense minister, Ehud Barak, testified about two weeks ago in the Police in the setting of an investigation of the Harpaz Affair. Barak sat facing the police investigators for about ten hours and described how, according to him, the ex-c-in-c, Gabi Ashkenazi and his men, had "undermined" him and the political echelon.

It should be stressed that Barak gave "open testimony" and was not interrogated under suspicion. On Channel 2 it was publicized last night that the ex-defense minister told the interrogators about a meeting between him and Ashkenazi, in which he informed the ex-c-in-c of his intention to appoint a replacement for him, a year before the end of his term in office. According to him, in reaction, Ashkenazi threatened him and said to him "You are going to war," and left the room angrily.

It will be recalled that in August 2013, Barak presented a declaration to the district court of the Center [of the country] in Lod in which he claimed that the ex-c-in-c, Ashkenazi, headed "a group of senior officers, a number of civilians and reserve officers that acted improperly in order to prevent a legal process of appointing a c-in-c for "the IDF and against the political echelon [the government, the cabinet] while using apparently criminal means and behavior" [Israel Today 29 April 2014; translated by Eliyahu]

פרשת אשכנזי: שר הביטחון לשעבר סיפר כי ביקש למנות לרמטכ"ל לשעבר מחליף - ואז הקרב ביניהם הפך לגלוי

שר הביטחון לשעבר אהוד ברק העיד לפני כשבועיים במשטרה במסגרת חקירת פרשת הרפז. ברק ישב מול חוקרי המשטרה במשך כעשר שעות ותיאר כיצד לטענתו הרמטכ"ל לשעבר גבי אשכנזי ואנשיו "חתרו" נגדו ונגד הדרג המדיני.

יודגש כי ברק מסר "עדות פתוחה" ולא נחקר כחשוד. בערוץ 2 פורסם אמש כי שר הביטחון לשעבר סיפר לחוקרים על פגישה בינו לבין אשכנזי, שבה הודיע לרמטכ"ל לשעבר על כוונתו למנות לו מחליף, חצי שנה לפני סוף כהונתו. לדבריו, בתגובה אשכנזי איים עליו ואמר לו "אתה יוצא למלחמה", ועזב את החדר בזעם.
כזכור, באוגוסט 2013 הגיש ברק תצהיר לבית המשפט המחוזי מרכז בלוד, שבו טען כי הרמטכ"ל לשעבר אשכנזי עמד בראש "קבוצה של קצינים בכירים, מספר אזרחים וקציני מילואים, אשר פעלה באופן פסול כדי למנוע תהליך חוקי של מינוי רמטכ"ל לצה"ל וכנגד הדרג המדיני, תוך כדי שימוש בכלים ובהתנהגות עבריינית לכאורה". 
[ישראל היום 29 אפריל 2014] [Israel Today 29 April 2014] [Also see, Israel Post, 29 April 2014; Hebrew]



  • this post is totally off-topic --

    I has just noticed that someone had arrived at my blog from this blog. So, being curious, I clicked the link to this blog. I have to leave for work in a moment ... so this post is just a comment that I intend to visit this blog again, and spend some time reading on it.

    By Blogger Ilíon, at 10:22 PM  

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