Israeli Medic Tried to Treat Abu `Ayn But He Was Pulled Away by His Friends & Followers
One of the ironic aspects of this sordid affair, replete with lies and hypocrisy as it is, is that Abu `Ayn might have been saved if the Israeli medic had been allowed to hook him up to intravenous injection of medications which could have helped him avoid death due to his coronary infarction.
First, although the efforts of the Israeli medic have been generally overlooked in this episode, they were reported, albeit sketchily, by Le Point, the French weekly, using a report from Agence France Presse [AFP]:
Ziyad Abu `Ayn collapsed on the grass while holding his chest, a photographer for AFP reported. An Israeli woman soldier [a medic] tried to supply him with first aid before he was brought to the hospital [in Ramallah] where he passed away. [Le Point from AFP 10 December 2014]
Ziad Abou Eïn s'est affaissé dans l'herbe en se tenant la poitrine, a rapporté le photographe de l'AFP. Une soldate israélienne a tenté de lui apporter les premiers secours avant qu'il ne soit emmené à l'hôpital, où il a succombé. [Le Point from AFP 10 December 2014]
Now here is a video that shows, in two places, hands in blue gloves rubbing one of Abu `Ayn's arms in order to prep [prepare] it for an injection or infusion. She is either looking for a suitable spot for a needle or rubbing the arm with surgical cotton soaked in a disinfectant. An injection would probably be some sort of blood thinner or anti-coagulant used commonly in heart attack cases. An intravenous infusion might include blood thinners, anti-coagulants and/or heart beat regulators etc. As you watch the video, look out for the blue hands in two places.
It appears that some of the film in the video is repeated. That is, some scenes are shown twice. But besides the hands in blue gloves, what is significant is that while the medic is prepping his arm, Abu `Ayn's "friends" pull him up and away from the medic so that she cannot continue treating him. Ironically, as said above, by preventing treatment at a critical time, his "friends" and followers may have made his death certain.
Why did they pull him up and away from the medic? It seems that they wanted to bring him before the press so that the press photogs and reporters could see how badly the Israelis had supposedly treated him.
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See our previous posts on the Abu `Ayn Affair: here & here
Sky News asked the obvious question that I asked: Could Abu `Ayn have been saved if the medic had been allowed to do her work?:
Hélène Keller-Lind: "Ziad Abu Ein, ou comment une manipulation éhontée fait de la mort d’un homme souffrant de cardiopathie ischémique un crime" [ici]
Labels: Abu Ein (Abu `Ayn), Fatah, journalists, mass media, medical aid
This is off topic, but if this is the same "ziontruth" that used to publish at Israel Thrives then you need to understand something.
I never called for transference of the Arab population out of Israel.
If you think that I said that then you are mistaken.
Mike L., at 8:20 PM
I don't know you Mike. I don't know the Israel Thrives website either. Hence I never wrote anything about you.
Eliyahu m'Tsiyon, at 11:00 PM
Mon nom est aspirateur, ma fille de 18 ans, Tricia a été diagnostiquée d'herpès il y a 3 ans. depuis lors, nous allons d'un hôpital à l'autre. Nous avons essayé toutes sortes de pilules, mais tous les efforts pour se débarrasser du virus étaient vains. Les cloques ont réapparu après quelques mois. Ma fille utilisait des comprimés d'acyclovir 200 mg. 2 comprimés toutes les 6 heures et crème de fusitine 15 grammes. et H5 POT. Le permanganate avec de l'eau doit être appliqué 2 fois par jour mais tous ne montrent toujours aucun résultat. J'étais donc sur Internet il y a quelques mois, à la recherche de tout autre moyen de sauver mon enfant unique. à ce moment-là, je suis tombé sur un commentaire sur le traitement à base de plantes dr imoloa et j'ai décidé de l'essayer. Je l'ai contacté et il a préparé des herbes et me les a envoyées avec des directives sur la façon d'utiliser les herbes via le service de messagerie DHL. ma fille l'a utilisé comme dr imoloa dirigé et en moins de 14 jours, ma fille a retrouvé sa santé .. Vous devriez contacter le Dr imoloa aujourd'hui directement sur son adresse e-mail pour tout type de problème de santé; lupus, ulcère de la bouche, cancer de la bouche, douleurs corporelles, fièvre, hépatite ABC, syphilis, diarrhée, VIH / sida, maladie de Huntington, acné au dos, insuffisance rénale chronique, maladie addison, douleur chronique, maladie de Crohn, fibrose kystique, fibromyalgie, inflammatoire Maladie intestinale, mycose des ongles, maladie de Lyme, maladie de Celia, lymphome, dépression majeure, mélanome malin, manie, mélorhéostose, maladie de Ménière, mucopolysaccharidose, sclérose en plaques, dystrophie musculaire, polyarthrite rhumatoïde, maladie d'Alzheimer, maladie de Parkison, cancer vaginal, épilepsie Troubles anxieux, maladies auto-immunes, maux de dos, entorse dorsale, trouble bipolaire, tumeur cérébrale, maligne, bruxisme, boulimie, maladie du disque cervical, maladies cardiovasculaires, néoplasmes, maladies respiratoires chroniques, troubles mentaux et comportementaux, fibrose kystique, hypertension, diabète, asthme , Médiateur auto-immun inflammatoire arthrite. maladie rénale chronique, maladie articulaire inflammatoire, impuissance, spectre d'alcool féta, trouble dysthymique, eczéma, tuberculose, syndrome de fatigue chronique, constipation, maladie inflammatoire de l'intestin. et beaucoup plus; contactez-le sur email- également sur whatssap- + 2347081986098.
AIB FUNDING., at 3:48 AM
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